
Welcome to Luminex Learning: Your Source for Online & Classroom Instruction

At Luminex Learning, we offer innovative options for standard and customized training courses to enhance your technical knowledge and optimize your Luminex System. Our training courses offer basic and advanced continuing education on our technology and products. These “path-based” courses offer the fundamental skills needed to operate the software and instrument, run kits on the instrument, develop, optimize, and troubleshoot your own assays, and troubleshoot and diagnose problems arising from instrument usage. Our course offerings include online, live online, and classroom training to meet all of your Luminex Learning needs!

Luminex Learning Sessions

Join us for one of our Luminex Learning Sessions, or contact us at learning@luminexcorp.com for additional information on on-site training.

  • 日本で開催のトレーニング(言語:日本語)はこちら
  • ヨーロッパで開催のトレーニングはこちら

My Training

To view a list of our course offerings or to enroll in a course, please login to the Luminex Corporation Customer Center.

Need an account? Fill out the New Account Registration form.