It is an exciting time here at Luminex! The newest member of the xMAP® family, xMAP® INTELLIFLEX, arrived, and our team installed the first system at the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) in Reutlingen, Germany. Rob Wilkens, Technical Service Supervisor, and Wilco de Jager, Senior Field Applications Scientist, traveled to NMI to successfully install the system and train the lab users.

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Partnering the new xMAP® INTELLIFLEX Platform with Partner Software: 5 Packages to Improve Your Data Analysis

The launch of the new xMAP® INTELLIFLEX platform marks a reinvigoration of xMAP® Technology, guided and informed by the voice of our customers. During the development process of the INTELLIFLEX System, we worked with current xMAP users to understand how they use xMAP Technology and what features they’d like to see in the next generation of xMAP Systems.

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Serial ELISAs Keeping You in the Lab? Switch to Multiplexing and Save

One of the hurdles of switching to multiplexing can be knowing what to look for when deciding on which platform best fits your needs. We’ve provided insight on this question and more in our recently published Multiplex Technology Guide, now available for download through our partner, Biocompare.

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5 Ways the New xMAP® INTELLIFLEX System Will Empower Your Research

With several new features, INTELLIFLEX offers far more than just five benefits for researchers looking to expand their discovery, but we know that in this day and age, your time is more precious than ever, so we’ve consolidated the key benefits here to provide a summary of the top five ways xMAP INTELLIFLEX can empower your research and allow you to do more with less.

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