Webinar: ‘The Devil Is in the Diluents’

How to manage interference in immunoassays with careful design choices

Interference is a non-trivial concern when designing multiplex immunoassays, but it can be managed with careful attention to potential problems. That’s the gist of a brief video presentation from Richard Fuerstenberg, senior commercial application scientist at R&D Systems.

The presentation begins with a look at some common interferents, such as the capture antibody, detection antibody, or interfering antibody. These can lead to false positive results and other issues. To illustrate, Fuerstenberg offers an example of how this could play out in a real-world assay. Other confounding compounds include heterophilic antibodies, soluble receptors, biotin, proteoglycans, and more.

Managing Interference

Managing the interference caused by these elements involves careful design of diluting agents. “We spend a lot of time optimizing these diluents,” Fuerstenberg says. That includes minimizing matrix effects and interfering factors.

“Besides managing those interferents, we also have to ensure that the assay gives accurate results in terms of recovery, linearity, inter-assay and intra-assay precision,” he adds. Optimizing each of those factors is vital to creating a multipurpose diluent that will deliver excellent performance.

Learn more at the R&D Systems website.

Webinar: ‘The Devil Is in the Diluents’